We all have mental or emotional garbage that clutters us up and that we need to throw away. Obsessive thoughts that haunt us, grudges, disappointments, harsh criticism of ourselves or others. There is no judging ourselves for this, it is human nature as it manifests itself at the present degree of evolution. What is important is to be aware of it and run for cover by periodically cleansing our minds and emotions. In addition, this is also a very important exercise to make the inner monologues of our fictional characters, the ones we will put on paper to create our literary works, richer. The more we know about the rich complexity of the plots of our thoughts, the richer and more interesting our characters can also be. Because we will be able to give them a deep and multifaceted humanity, not trivial or flat and superficial.
So now take a pen and paper and jot down everything that worries you, lies anxiety to you, makes you angry or has disappointed you. Put down any feelings of frustration, get rid of any presence of pain. You will travel lighter and by knowing yourself more deeply, you will enrich your creative writing in a way that is extraordinary and always interesting to those who read you.