Emotional Freedom Technique


What is EFT?

Some say EFT is a spiritual practice. I simply say that this is an energetic practice. The goal is to cleanse our vital energy grid, the main points of the energy meridians, from the heavy sedimentations accumulated over time that block the natural flow of energy and where heavy memories or negative beliefs are sedimented. It is not necessarily a spiritual practice though, but it can become one. It all depends on the intention of the practitioner and the experience that develops with tapping. Since EFT consists exactly of this: it is a tapping technique. We tap the main energy points in our pranic vein system to remove the accumulated energy from it while saying aloud sentences that aim at a specific result. In my practice, it becomes spiritual when I add to this process a Surrender aspiration to the Divine Shakti. I surrender myself and the energies that I am releasing from me and ask that, in their place, Light and Peace could be put. The results are always very positive.

How do I use it

I met EFT by chance. A student from Swadharma’s classes, with which I have collaborated in the past, saw me tapping my thymus during a break and thought I was practicing EFT. I explained to him that I didn’t even know what EFT consisted of and He then improvised a lesson on the subject. I immediately appreciated the result of the practice and did some research. I then met its inventor, Gary Craig, and as the internet was already teeming with EFT teachers and practitioners of all sorts, I thought it would be wiser to follow him, to begin with.

EFT helped me to alleviate very heavy emotional moments that I was not yet able to manage at the time. This is no small feat because it allowed me to face those same difficult situations with a lighter attitude. Today I no longer need to resort to it, many things have transformed within me and I live everything with greater detachment and clarity. But it happens from time to time to want to “unload” when I feel unpleasant build-ups or to use the technique to relieve small physical symptoms, such as a headache or back pain. I use it for example when I feel my eyes are very tired. Or I’ve been sitting in front of the computer for too long and my back hurts. Other times I use it to fall asleep. It is a versatile tool that can be used in various circumstances.

Who benefits from this service?

The service is aimed at Aurovilians and New Comers only, and only a free donation is asked, which will be paid into the account of the Gate of Dreams activity.

For more info write to avgateofdreams@gmail.com


Copyright © 2022 Gate of Dreams by Francesca Emilia Papale

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